Friday, November 19, 2010

So I Pressed...

Yes, the photo that you see was my pressed Natural this week. Of course, I tried it myself and had my famous blown afro. So, I visited my Natural stylist, Erica, and she hooked me up without hesitation. I paid her an extra $10 because it looked so good. The look lasted for 2 1/2 days and then I pressed it again. To my amazement, I didn't suffer any curl loss or anything. My hair felt more fuller than before. I enjoyed my was fun! Everyone thought it was a wig. The question everyone wants the answer to is: What are you doing next week with your hair? Let's's Thanksgiving week and I want my fiance to be happy. Maybe, pressed??? Btw, he totally LOVEDDDDDDDDD my pressed hair. You all know that he loves it straight. (Read earlier posts) I was glad to please him and my parents. Yes, I told Dad that his princess was back for the moment. It feels good to be Natural and able to rock my tresses as I feel without chemicals. I am so glad that I am Natural!!! From 'fros to two-strand twists to twistouts to a pressed look is awesome. Everyone is happy!

I exhale.................

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

So Happy To Be Nappy!

5 day old twistout on unblown hair

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Fierce Fro Action

Yesterday after my shampoo & conditioner, I decided to treat my fiance to something a little different. I know he wants me to go back to my locs, BUT, I would like to keep things the way it is (fros and twists). Therefore, I daydreamed about my banana clip and BAM! The outcome was better than I expected simply because I can pull my hair back! Yes! Finally, now, Lord, please continue to bless my hair with growth and health, in Jesus Name, Amen! I had fun with this style and I am still rocking it today. My man did not like it too much because I have my hair changing ALL the time. His actual statement: "I got used to seeing you with side-swept bangs and hair tucked behind your ear. And then you cut it all off. Then you were loccing it. Now you have it big and all stuck in the 70's era. Don't talk to me about your hair, because my say-so doesn't matter. Talk to your Twitter friends." Do you believe that?? Wow....... Anywho, Mom loves this look and I believe it's her fav (according to my sis).

Before I go, I was in Walmart last night and two of the workers commented on this look. One was an older Caucasian woman and the other a young, transitioning Sister. Respectively, the compliments were, "You look nice" and "How long have you been Natural? I like your hair and I am debating whether to Big Chop or just transition." For the latter, I spent time giving her answers to her questions and it felt great! I love this life of mine, you all. I make a difference as a Christian and Natural Sister. You gotta love it! To God be the glory!

Be blessed and favored!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Show Stopper

My flat-ironed "New Heights" fro! I should call it the "Show Stopper"! That's what it is!

My Lovely Frohawk

This is the photo that I have been trying to upload to my Twitter page for days! My Droid Eris has connection problems to my Twitter photo uploads...totally sad! Therefore, I must send it this way... It's more than one way to skin a cat! At this stage in my Natural journey (8 months Natural), I am excited to be trying new hairstyles and getting cheers or jeers on them. As I stated before, different people like different looks on me. The majority loved when I was loccing because they just love the versatility of a neat loc style. My "new heights" fro is loved because it's a bold, "I not scared to rock big hair" look!

I hope that you are inspired by my looks and I continue to get bolder with it. Be blessed!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

This my "new heights" fro after a regular blow out.

It's All About Changes

Hello! I have made a drastic change...well, not that drastic. You know that I decided to loc my hair about 3 1/2 months ago, right? Ok, well, on my last salon visit (this past Friday) my natural stylist (Erica) asked me was I stressing about something? Ok... I was like maybe a few things had me in a twist. I asked her why she asked me such a question and she stated that my locs were unravelling which concerned her. Wow!!! I knew they were not fully locced yet, but unravelling?? So, she retwisted my locs and sent me on my way with instructions of no shampoos for a month. I get one every 2 weeks. On Saturday morning, I looked in the mirror at my lovely locs and noticed the issue at hand and immediately decided on Operation Takeout of the Locs. My mom helped me take my hair loose and we only had to cut about 8 locs that were actually locced. That is very minimal compared to the entire head being in the loccing process. The dead hair was not alot at all! :) I am so excited and grateful that God has blessed me enough that I did not have to chop all of my glory off once again. I must be wise... My fiance loves the locs on me. His words exactly, "Your locs brought out your features more and I love that!" My parents are welcoming their "princess" back since I stated I wanted a straight look for a few days. My co-workers love my locs better than my blowout. How can I make everyone happy to include myself? I have decided to float between both Natural worlds. A few weeks of locs or two-strand twists and a few weeks of a curly fro, blow out or flat iron. I love all the Natural looks on me... Hey, what can they say? At least I am chemical free and has been since October 2009. Yeah! I have been totally natural since December 5, 2009. I am sooo excited!

I will post photos of my blowout, so stay tuned...

Be blessed!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thursday, July 29, 2010

It's Been A While...

Hello! I know I am horrible with writing on my blog! However, I have been sending photo! I am still loving and enjoying my baby locs (as you can see). My Mister has taught me how to use the settings to create black & white photos on my cell, so you can expect some creative photos. Can I get my "vintage" on? Yeah, I know I can!

Well, stay tuned...btw, my baby locs are 3 months old!! I Love It (and Them)!! lol

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Lovely Locs

I am writing on my blog!! Yeah and's been a minute. I know that you have enjoyed the photos and thank you for following and commenting!

Update: I have officially made my mind up... I am loccing my hair! It's been 7 weeks and I got my first shampoo (yes, wild when I am used to every 2 days shampoos) on last Saturday. No scalp rub, though :(... But at least my locs are fresh and I can really see my budding. *screaming* I am sooo excited. My last perm was October 2009 and my BC was December 5, 2009. So my Natural journey is still in full effect and I am loving it! It's been a little over 6 months and I did not have locs in mind. I wanted a big, big 'fro! But after careful research and evaluation of my Sis-in-law-to-be (times 2), my decision to loc was an easy one. They are touching my ear now and the compliments are bananas! I love my hair either way, but my fiance and other close love ones love this look the best. Gotta keep the man happy since I BC'ed without his approval... :) Love you, Babe! lol

Wow...continue to follow me on my Loc Journey, Natural divas! Be blessed and I hope to post a video soon on my Youtube page!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Friday, May 21, 2010

Me Today

First and foremost, shout-outs to God and to my followers (those linked in and those that continue to stop by and read my blog): Thank you! :)

Well, my Natural hair journey is still going strong (almost 6 months)...yay!! It has, however, taken a turn that I didn't see coming. Everyone knows that I wanted a Diana Ross/Macy Gray size afro. My hair texture is the springy coils and it appeared to be going in the direction that I dreamed. However, my soon-to-be sister-in-law asked me (3 weeks ago) if I wanted my hair done. Hair done?? I had no clue as to what I would want other than flat twists on a blow-out. She recommended comb coils/twists and I loved it. Everyone loves them (minus a few ppl)! I mean, the transformation caused me to see things differently. Jai with locs... I made these funky crochet earrings to match the look and BAM!!! Even my fiance loves (well, likes) the new look more than the 'fro. He loves length and since I BC'ed in December 09, he has not been happy. He wants my hair on my shoulders like it used to be. Well, he can actually see the length (5 inches) with my new twists and he just smiles. Awwww... I love making him happy. He even touched my hair...a first without instruction! Wow! It's been 3 wks and I saw growth on my most first re-twist. I am excited as my hair sprouts into its destiny. With that being said, I decided to dread my hair. I don't believe that I will change my mind... Oh, before I forget, I didn't see my ringlets on my re-twist...? So I am wondering what would my hair look like if I decided not to dread? Inquiring minds want to know.

In other news, Dad preached an awesome sermon tonight (Praise Tabernacle) and praise/worship by myself and Lisa went well. To God be the Glory. If it touches only one person, you have walked in your purpose.

My mister and I took photos last week and they are very beautiful. Not because I'm in it...who am I kidding? LOL Let me quit, I am not vain! But I have oodles of confidence and self-esteem! If I can figure out how to post one, I will so you can see them.

Until next time or next photo :) blessed!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Thursday, May 6, 2010

My twists & custom earrings by me