Yes, the photo that you see was my pressed Natural this week. Of course, I tried it myself and had my famous blown afro. So, I visited my Natural stylist, Erica, and she hooked me up without hesitation. I paid her an extra $10 because it looked so good. The look lasted for 2 1/2 days and then I pressed it again. To my amazement, I didn't suffer any curl loss or anything. My hair felt more fuller than before. I enjoyed my hair...it was fun! Everyone thought it was a wig. The question everyone wants the answer to is: What are you doing next week with your hair? Let's see...it's Thanksgiving week and I want my fiance to be happy. Maybe, pressed??? Btw, he totally LOVEDDDDDDDDD my pressed hair. You all know that he loves it straight. (Read earlier posts) I was glad to please him and my parents. Yes, I told Dad that his princess was back for the moment. It feels good to be Natural and able to rock my tresses as I feel without chemicals. I am so glad that I am Natural!!! From 'fros to two-strand twists to twistouts to a pressed look is awesome. Everyone is happy!
I exhale.................
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