Hi!! I pray that all is well with you and yours! This past weekend, I had the opportunity to change my look a bit...well, a lot! lol Not only did I do it for me, but for the hubby-to-be. I know that he misses my relaxed locks. After all, that's how I looked when he met me. This wig is ultra long...the tresses touched the base of the small of my back. Yeah... It all began when I was having breakfast at Shoney's and this woman was there with what appeared to be a sew-in weave. The bangs on it was beautifully feathered! I fell in love with the look. I battled for weeks about a sew-in and its cost. My conclusion was spending $40 for a reusable do than spend $150 on a style that would last me only a week because of scalp allergies. Thomas was so speechless with this look, y'all. I want to believe that he got a little teary eyed. lol He was happy. But I had to let him know that this "wigging it out" is not becoming me. It was for a day and maybe a day in the future. I made sure that he got enough photos...I love you, baby! But things have changed!! That includes my hair! I have crossed over into a new realm of Napptuality and I am pleased with the outcome. I have embraced my Natural (affectionately called Jai) and I am still learning her. It's been a year and 5 months now and I am still in love with my Natural hair. What can I say? How are you feeling on your Natural journey? Are you still excited?
Let me know what you are feeling. Be blessed!
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