The prep: On freshly shampooed & deep conditioned hair, I sprayed on some TreSemme heat protectant spray and oiled my scalp. I used a dime size amount of John Freida's thermal serum and then detangled. I applied some Dax pressing oil to the strands and then I blow dried my hair. After heating the comb on the stove (yes, the actual kitchen stove :)) and testing it, I applied more pressing oil and began running the comb through carefully. The entire process took about 2 hours.
I love the length of my mane...it's past my shoulders now. I know that a lot of people are afraid of the heat and the damages it may cause if not done properly. But I remember my grandmother (who was a licensed beautician) keeping our hair healthy and very long by her press and curls. And we "greased" our scalps very often. So, the process doesn't stunt your growth and neither does the grease. Yes, it may be weighed down...but if that's the look you want or less of it, you know what to do. Use less!! :) And the great part is that when you shampoo & condition again, you're back to your afro. Note: My curl pattern was still there!! So have fun experimenting! What works for me may not work for you.
Happy hair blessings!!